Legal Notice


1. Site Editor

The Babyparentalnews website (hereinafter “the Site”) is published by Babyparentalnews (hereinafter “the Publisher”).

  • Company name : Babyparentalnews
  • Legal form : [Legal form of your company, for example SAS, SARL, etc.]
  • Head office : [Head office address]
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5. Cookies

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6. Limitation of Liability

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7. Hypertext links

The hypertext links present on the Site directing users to other websites do not engage the Publisher's responsibility for the content of these sites. The establishment of hypertext links to the Site is subject to the prior agreement of the Publisher.

8. Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction

These legal notices are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute relating to the use of the Site, the parties will endeavor to find an amicable solution. Failing this, the dispute will be brought before the competent courts in accordance with the legislation in force.

9. Contact

For any questions or complaints regarding the Site, the user can contact the Publisher at the following address:

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